Historic Irises - Historics & Rarities at International Iris International Iris Historics & Rarities

bfilardi [at] comcast.net
Historics & Rarities
Price List 2025
$10. shipping & handling fee on all orders; we will send extras.

Send list with the cultivars you would like, along with check or money order made out to Bruce Filardi:

Bruce Filardi
4244 NE Royal Court
Portland, OR 97213

Plants will be shipped as soon as they are ready (usually mid-July), unless you specify a preferred shipping time.

Order early; supplies are limited, especially on the higher-priced
varieties.  I do not believe in substituting unless you specifically
request that I do so!  If any of your ordered varieties are sold out, 
I will send you a refund unless you request that I substitute.  
(If substitutions are made at your request, I will definitely send 
more expensive varieties - or unlisted varieties - as subs.)

Thanks for your order!

Historics List, 2025:

Aladdin’s Wish $8
At Dawning $6
Balkan Glacier $6
Benton Ankaret $8
Benton Arundel $8
Benton Bluejohn $8
Benton Caramel $8
Benton Farewell $8
Benton Lorna $8
Benton Nigel $8
Benton Olive $8
Black Lady $8
Blue Sapphire $6
Bread and Wine $6
Burnt Toffee $6
Chantilly $6
Clematis $6
Color Carnival $6
Cregrina $10
Dauntless $6
Drady $6
Eversweet (disputed i.d.) $6
Finery $8
Francina $6
Gay Paree $6
Good Show $6
Havelberg $6
Ione Morgan $6
Japanesque $8
Joseph’s Coat $6
Lavender and Gold Lace $8
Minnesota Mixed-Up Kid $6
Moonlit Sea $6
One Desire $8 (small rhizomes)
Ovation $8 (small rhizomes)
Pink Tiger $6
Pretender $8
Prettie Print $6
Repartee $6
Rheingauperle $6
Salute d’Amour $8
San Francisco $6
Snow Flurry $6
Spatha $6
Starrington (C. Morris) $8
Strathmore (C. Morris) $8
Striped Butterfly $8
Sullom Voe $6
Sunset Snows $10
Thotmes III $6
Three Oaks $8
Top Flight $8
True Charm $6
True Delight $6
Tucson $8
Yves Lassailly $6
Zingara $10

Please note that most of these are in relatively short supply.  Stock is particularly low on the Benton cultivars, as well as the two other Cedric Morris creations.  Priority will be given on all varieties to those who ordered last year but whose orders were not filled.  Thank you!

International Iris
Historics & Rarities